Poems About You
Author: originally Steve Jacobson
Grades: 5-12
NE Standards: 8.2.1 Students will identify, describe, and apply knowledge of the structure of the English language and standard English conventions for sentence structure, usage, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. 8.1.7 Students will interpret the meaning of literary works. 8.1.3 Students will identify different types of text.
Objectives: For the students to get to know each other and to get involved at the beginning of the year. Also for you to get to know the students.
Materials: I Am by Elly Tatum
I Am by Sandy Maas.
I Am Model
Anticipatory Set: Show the class the two I Am poems. What ways would you describe your self? What things do you like to do?
Vocabulary: none
Activities: Read the I Am by Elly Tatum and I Am by Sandy Maas. Give the students a copy of the two poems and a copy of the I Am Model. Write a class I Am poem. Have the students write their own I Am poem.
Closure: What did you like about doing the poem. Share your poem and see if any the students want to share theirs.
Assessment: Read the students’ poems and learn more about them.
I Am—Model
First Stanza
I am (two special characteristics you have)
I wonder (something you are curious about)
I hear (imaginary sound)
I see (imaginary sight)
I want (an actual desire)
I am (first line repeated)
Second Stanza
I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)
I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that really bothers you)
I cry (something that makes you sad)
I am (first line of poem repeated)
Third Stanza
I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you really make an effort about)
I hope (something you actually hope for)
I am (first line of poem repeated)